Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am a very delinquent blogger who vows to be better. Hang in there, I am trying. I have forgotten just about all I knew about blogging.Time goes by too fast. I thought when you got your family raised and began to get "older" (it's all in your mind) that your life would slow down. Not so!!! I am as busy as I ever was, what with my calling in Young Women's, (Beehive Advisor) all their activities, quilting, sewing for the grandchildren, gardining, golfing, writing, knitting etc.,etc.Well, I guess it is better to be happy being busy than the alternative of not having anything to do. That would indeed be sad.I took a pieced quilting class this spring, and the quilt at the top is the result. It was difficult, and I did some of the blocks over 2 or 3 times, but I FINALLY finished it. I am so happy! I have always wanted to do this. It is fun but a lot of work, as I do the machine quilting myself, and that takes lots of time.
This is my first pieced quilt.

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